I'm a PHP developer getting into Ruby on Rails. I'm working on a project where a collection of strings is serialized and stored in a database. I'm trying to access that data, but inside a mailer class I'm writing but am having troubles. Inside the Model where the data is being taken out of the DB, I can access what I need by using email.attr(key,'subject'), however when I pass the email variable to the mailer class and try to use that same method of access inside the mailer class I get an "undefined variable 'key'" error message.

Here is a dump of the data when I run email.inspect.

{"subject"=>"Subject of Email", "intro"=>"Welcome"}

My search results in Google did not return anything helpful.

  • hey, you should post more of your code. Aug 20, 2012 at 23:38

1 Answer 1


Typically, you would access data in a hash by doing something like:


In your case, it looks like the email object has attributes, so it's not a hash but an actual object. In this case, assuming you have an attr_reader for both subject and intro, you would do:


However, I think the bug in your above example might be b/c the word 'key' in the method call isn't quoted (hence, it's treating it like a variable). Just a guess though as I've never seen an attribute accessed through an attr method.

  • 1
    Thank you! I have spent several days trying to figure out how to save the data from the response of a json api call. This is exactly what I needed. (I'm a frontend designer moving to rails backend work.) Feb 7, 2014 at 9:54

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