I run a report that includes a calculation for the number of weeks between two dates.

IF(DatePart ("ww",Date({Documents/Document/HeaderData.ShipDate}),crMonday))-(DatePart ("ww",Date({Documents/Document/HeaderData.TenderDate}),crMonday))<> 0 THEN (DatePart ("ww",Date({Documents/Document/HeaderData.ShipDate}),crMonday))-(DatePart ("ww",Date({Documents/Document/HeaderData.TenderDate}),crMonday))

This is fine for dates in the same year, but we are finding that dates in 2013 do not calculate correctly. Is there a way to include a year calculation into the week that will give us a true value?

1 Answer 1


Just use DateDiff instead of subtraction:

DateDiff (Intervaltype, Date1, Date2, firstDay)


DateDiff (("ww", Date({Documents/Document/HeaderData.ShipDate}),
     Date({Documents/Document/HeaderData.TenderDate}), crMonday)

(Note: the above code should be on a single line, but it is broken up over two lines for readability).

  • Thats seems to have done the trick! Great work, thanks for your help! Aug 21, 2012 at 15:43
  • @Anonymous downvoter -- seriously, we're doing this again? You're going to downvote the same question again? Sep 10, 2012 at 19:30

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