Trying to get the results of one query into the WHERE statement of another:

$query1 = "SELECT DISTINCT company_id FROM location WHERE state = 'XX'";
$result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die(mysql_error());
while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {

I've tried the following:

$q1 = "SELECT company FROM company WHERE id = '16', id = '7' ORDER BY company";
$q1 = "SELECT company FROM company WHERE id = '16' AND id = '7' ORDER BY company";
$q1 = "SELECT company FROM company WHERE id = '16' && id = '7' ORDER BY company";

Along with other variations

Googling has only provided multiple WHERE AND if using different table names, but not the same. Anyone have any pointers?

  • the field 'id' cannot be 16 AND 7 at the same time. Use "or"
    – Nanne
    Aug 23, 2012 at 8:00

3 Answers 3


for a generalized code :

$ids = array (
[0] => 2
[1] => 4
[2] => 19
[3] => 16

$ids = join(',',$ids);  
$sql = "SELECT * FROM company WHERE id IN ($ids)";

reffer : same example

  • I've had the best luck with this one, but for whatever reason, I am only getting 1 result ($query = "SELECT DISTINCT company_id FROM location WHERE state = 'XX'";) in the array when numrows tells me there should be 23. Doing print_r (mysql_fetch_array($result)); Only shows 1 result as well.
    – Go3Team
    Aug 23, 2012 at 8:48

You could also use IN:

$x = array('16', '7');

$q1 = "SELECT company FROM company WHERE id IN(". implode(',', $x) .") ORDER BY company";

use OR

$q1 = "SELECT company FROM company WHERE (id = '16' OR id = '7') ORDER BY company";

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