In a treenode levels will be increased in ascending order I want to write a function so that it will reverse the level of a tree I know that I should get the depth of the tree and then compute the


so that it will result the tree levels in descending order I didn't know how to get the depth of the tree,the property LastNode will give the last child of the node and I coudn't use it for depth because it will return lastNode of just for that level not the lower ones.

for example a usual treenodes levels are as follows


I want to make it


1 Answer 1


Seems like all you need to solve the issue is finding the depth of the tree, so to do that you can use simple recursion.


int GetDepth(Node node)
    return node.HasChilds ? node.Childs.Max(GetDepth) : node.Level;

And in C#, assuming you use the TreeNode class to represent nodes:

public int GetDepth(TreeNode node)
    return node.Nodes.Count == 0
        ? node.Level
        : node.Nodes.Cast<TreeNode>().Select(this.GetDepth).Max();


var depth = GetDepth(myTree.Root);

And if you don't have the Level property of every node, you can just add a parameter like so:

public int GetDepth(TreeNode node, int depth)
    return node.Nodes.Count == 0
        ? depth
        : node.Nodes.Cast<TreeNode>()
              .Select(x => this.GetDepth(x, depth + 1)).Max();


var depth = GetDepth(myTree.Root, 0);

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