I'm new to jQuery AJAX. I want to build bookmarking system something like Twitter do (favorites). I have a lot of links. So it's not useful to write AJAX request for each link. That's why I want use just one request script for all links.

Let's say I have the links something link this:

<a href="#" id="1"><i class="icon-star-empty"></i></a>
<a href="#" id="2"><i class="icon-star"></i></a>
<a href="#" id="3"><i class="icon-star-empty"></i></a>

So I want to write AJAX request that do something like this when user clicks to one of those URLs.

if (class="icon-star-empty"){
    ajaxURL = "/insertBoomark"
} else{
    //it means class=icon-start
    ajaxURL = "/deleteBookmark"

  url: ajaxURL,
  type: "POST",
  data: {id : linkID}, // I don't know how to get linkID too :(
  success: if class was icon-star empty then change it to icon-star-empty else change it to icon-star

I know that is not correct syntax. How can I solve this problem? Please help :(

Thanks in advance.

  • Why do you need to store user's bookmarking at server side? You can store user's preferences at client side, in cookies.
    – Jonas T
    Aug 27, 2012 at 0:38
  • I need it for another reasons.
    – Jack
    Aug 27, 2012 at 0:45

4 Answers 4

$("i").on("click", function() {

    if ( $(this).hasClass("icon-star-empty") ){
        ajaxURL = "/insertBoomark"
    } else{
        //it means class=icon-start
        ajaxURL = "/deleteBookmark"

    var linkID = $(this).parent().prop("id");
    var obj    = $(this);

        url: ajaxURL,
        type: "POST",
        data: {id : linkID},
        success: function() {
            obj.hasClass("icon-star") ? obj.removeClass("icon-star").addClass("icon-star-empty") : obj.removeClass("icon-star-empty").addClass("icon-star");
  • thanks for your answer. +1 for it :) now it send AJAX request and makes changes in server-side but it doesn't change class name :( "icon-star-empty" doesn't change to "icon-star" :( how can I solve this ?
    – Jack
    Aug 27, 2012 at 1:01
  • updated.. if doesn't work - check your Ajax success for being called, because the ternary operator works fine - jsfiddle.net/PGdrB Aug 27, 2012 at 1:11

You can also use the href attribute and just prevent the default action from the jquery event.


<a href="page1" class="icon-star-empty"></a>
<a href="page2" class="icon-star"></a>
<a href="page3" class="icon-star-empty"></a>


            e.preventDefault(); //prevent default click action
            var $this = $(this);  // keeps "this" accessable
            var ajaxURL = $this.attr('href'); // get the url from the "a" tag
                url: ajaxURL,
                type: "POST",
                data: {id : linkID},
                success: function() {
    var _ajaxURL,
    _self = $(this);
        _ajaxUrl = "/insertBookmark";
        _ajaxUrl = "/deleteBookmark";
        url: _ajaxUrl,
        type: 'POST',
        data: {id : $(this).prop('id')},
        success: {
           //I have no idea what you want to do right here.

Okay, first, class is a reserved name in javascript.

Secondly, if you're doing it with a jQuery.click function, then you can just do $(this).attr('id') to get the id.

Also, for the success part, you seem to be confused about javascript's function syntax. What exactly are you trying to do?

  • I know that is not correct syntax. I wrote it just to explain what I exactly want. Couldt you help me please
    – Jack
    Aug 27, 2012 at 0:45

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