I have a many-to-many between foo and bar modeled as a table foo_bar with foo_id and bar_id.

I'd now like to model this as a one-to-many (which my data allows).

I've added a foo_id column to bar but now I want to migrate my data. So, I want to

UPDATE bar SET foo_id = f where id = b;

where each f and b pair are coming from

SELECT foo_id AS f, bar_id AS b FROM foo_bar;

Is it possible to do this in SQL (and specifically PostgreSQL 9.0)?

I know how to do sub-SELECTs in UPDATEs when there's only one value, but stumped how to do it in this case.

3 Answers 3

UPDATE bar b
SET    foo_id = fb.foo_id
FROM   foo_bar fb
WHERE  fb.bar_id = b.bar_id;

If you should have multiple rows for one bar (which you shouldn't, according to your description) the one row will be updated multiple times and the result is arbitrary.

This form of the query generally performs better than a correlated subquery.

Note that the primary key of bar should really be named bar_id - I use that name in the query.

  • should last line be fb.bar_id = b.id ? Commented Aug 28, 2012 at 2:00
  • @JamesTauber: No. There shouldn't be an id in the model. Using the non-descriptive column name id is an anti-pattern. The primary key should be named bar_id. Commented Aug 28, 2012 at 2:02
  • fair enough, was just mapping it to the specifics of my question Commented Aug 28, 2012 at 2:10

You can still join tables in UPDATE statements, try

UPDATE  bar a
SET     foo_id = c.foo_id
FROM    (
            SELECT foo_id, bar_id
            FROM foo_bar
        ) c
WHERE   a.id = c.bar_id

or simply as

UPDATE  bar a
SET     foo_id = c.foo_id
FROM    foo_bar c
WHERE   a.id = c.bar_id
  • @ErwinBrandstetter actually this is not tested. does postgre that strict enough? hehe, so in this case i should rewrite it to SET foo_id = c.foo_id?"
    – John Woo
    Commented Aug 28, 2012 at 2:17
  • Exactly: SET foo_id = c.foo_id, like in my answer. I quote the manual here: Do not include the table's name in the specification of a target column — for example, UPDATE tab SET tab.col = 1 is invalid. Commented Aug 28, 2012 at 2:19

If you really have a 1-many relationship, then it doesn't matter which value of foo you take for a given bar -- there is only one or they are all the same.

You can do the following:

update bar
    set foo_id = (select max(foo_id) from foo_bar where foo_bar.bar_id = bar.id)

The subquery limits the results to a single value.

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