I want to search a particular node of JTree and determine its location on screen. My aim is to start hovering mouse from the top left corner of that node and perform a mouse click in my JFC.

Can anyone help me with this? Is it possible?

  • What do you mean by finding a node on screen?
    – Dan D.
    Aug 29, 2012 at 20:42

3 Answers 3


Knowing the coordinates x and y (from the mouse event), you can get the path via JTree.getPathForLocation. The bounds of the node are returned by JTree.getPathBounds(path).

  • This gives the location of x and y of origin. How to get the location of rightmost x and y?
    – DarkKnight
    Aug 29, 2012 at 21:37
  • 1
    @DarkKnight getPathBounds returns a Rectangle. The right most x position is bounds.x + bounds.width and the right most y position is bounds.x + bounds.height Aug 29, 2012 at 23:28

Without knowing more information, it's hard to nail this down.

However, I'd suggest you take a look at

This should help you work out where on the screen a node is


You can use processMouseEvent. And the MouseEvent will get you the X and Y coordinates of your mouse.


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