I have a char pointer that points to a string: "123 \\n." if I do a printf ("%s", char_pointer) I see 123 \n. instead of 123 . What would be the easiest way to get rid of the extra \ so that it displays properly assuming I have can't change the formatting of the original string?

This is an example of the string I am handling

const char *source = \
" printf (\"This is a test %d %d \\n.\",4,3);                                       \n";
  • Show us where you assign the value "123\n" to char_pointer. Sep 3, 2012 at 20:04

1 Answer 1


you have two slashes there. That means that in \\n the first \ escapes the second \, and it is printed as-is. The following n is interpreted as a standalone character instead of part of \n.

If you want the \ to be printed at the end of the line, you need an additional \ there.

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