I have the strange issue that certain images from my webapp are not updated when I deploy my app with rails. The old images are still there.

What would be a good way to check if my git repo has all the changes available?

Normally ill do git commit . -m 'fixes' git add . and use a gitignore

1 Answer 1


You can check with git-ls-files

In your case: git ls-files public/ to return a list of files under git. Compare that with git ls-files public -o to list all other files, such as files that are ignored or files that are not (yet) in the index.

Also, just a simple git status will show what files are staged, unstaged, untracked and so on.

  • Thanks, still strange but after manually adding the files with git add /path/to/file.jpg it seems to work okay. the git ls-files was great dident knew about that one
    – Rubytastic
    Sep 10, 2012 at 21:01

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