i get condition where i need to request page with ajax. and i get HTML as result. parse those HTML result, and append parsed HTML content into current page.

let say this HTML content is the one requested :


<div id="main">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://script.com/js/script.js"></script>


How to parse #mainid selector (including javascript text) than append it on part of current HTML.

    url: requestedurl,
    type : "POST",
    dataType : "text",
    success: function(data) {
        // than append

is it better to not to parse using jquery, but regex? thank you very much for help.

ps : i try to load result using jquery, i get text node content, etc. unfortunately i don't know how to parse it. :(

  • "is it better to not to parse using jquery, but regex?" Absolutely not. Use jQuery. Have you tried jQuery(data).find("#main").appendTo("body");
    – nnnnnn
    Sep 11, 2012 at 3:01
  • then how to do that? when i load those html, i get only text node content, and javascript tag is gone :(
    – Jeg Bagus
    Sep 11, 2012 at 3:03

2 Answers 2


change your dataType from "text" to "html"

  • i empty object when try to execute console.log(jQuery(data).find("#main")); while dataType is HTML :(
    – Jeg Bagus
    Sep 11, 2012 at 3:06
  • conosle.log( $(data) ) and see what you get. It sounds like your html is wrong. If #main is the root element then there is no need for .find()
    – arhea
    Sep 11, 2012 at 3:16
  • result begin from <html> tag until </html> tag. result when i do loging is text node. i don't know what is this text node.
    – Jeg Bagus
    Sep 11, 2012 at 3:22

You should skip the textnode.

I got in the console [ Text, <div id=​"main">​</div>​, <script type=​"text/​javascript" src=​"http:​/​/​script.com/​js/​script.js"></script>​, Text]

so just get jquery(data)[1]

I tried the same thing as you with in test.html :


<div id="main">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://script.com/js/script.js"></script>


and in another file

    <script type="text/javascript">
        url: './test.html',
        type : "POST",
        dataType : "html",
        success: function(data) {
            console.log(jQuery(data)[1]); //Then i got the main div
            // than append
  • You might need to get jQuery(data)[2] too to append. Because it's the script that was inside the main div.
    – Elyx0
    Sep 11, 2012 at 3:44
  • well, its great. but i cannot find any <script> tag on the result.
    – Jeg Bagus
    Sep 11, 2012 at 3:58
  • What does console.log(jQuery(data)) outputs to the console, exactly ? I used the same html code as the one you provided so it's weird we don't have the same results
    – Elyx0
    Sep 11, 2012 at 4:01

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