I have the following string:

Lorem ipsum Test dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy <a href="http://Test.com/url">Test</a> eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd sed Test dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea <a href="http://url.com">Test xyz</a> takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Now I would replace the string 'Test' outside of tags an not between tags (e.g. replaced with '1234').

Lorem ipsum 1234 dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy <a href="http://Test.com/url">Test</a> eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd sed 1234 dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea <a href="http://url.com">Test xyz</a> takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

I started with this regex: (?!<a[^>]*>)(Test)([^<])(?!</a>)

But two problems are not solved:

  1. The text 'Test' gets also replaced inside Tags (e.g. <a href="http://Test.com/url">)
  2. Does the text between the tag not exactly match the searched text, it will be also replaced (e.g. <a href="http://url">Test xyz</a>)

I hope someone has a solution to solve this problem.

6 Answers 6






Let me remind you of the meaning of some symbols:

1) ?! is a negative lookahead, for example r(?!d) selects all r that are not directly followed by an d:

enter image description here

2) Therefore never start a negative lookahead without a character. Just (?!d) is meaningless:

enter image description here

3) The ? can be used as a lazy match. For example .+E would select from


the whole string 123EEE. However, .+?E selects as few "any charater" (.+) as needed. It would only select 123E.


Protist answer is that you should use (?!<a[^>]*?>)(Test)(?![^<]*?</a>). Let me explain how to make this shorter first.

As mentioned in 2), it is meaningless to put a lookahead before the match. So the following is equivalent to protist answer:


also since < is not allowed, the lazy match ? is superfluous, so its also equivalent to


This selects all Test that are not followed by an </a> without the symbol < in between. This is why Test which appears before or after any <a ...> .. </a> will be replaced.

However, note that

Lorem Test dolor <a href="http://Test.com/url">Test <strong>dolor</strong></a> eirmod

would be changed to

Lorem 1234 dolor <a href="http://1234.com/url">1234 <strong>dolor</strong></a> eirmod 

In order to catch that you could change your regex to


which does the following:

Select every word Test that is not followed by a string ***</a> where each character in *** is not followed by <a.

Note that the dot . is important (see 2)).

Note that a lazy match like (Test)(?!(.(?!<a))*?</a>) is not relevant because nested links are illegal in HTML4 and HTML5 (smth like <a href="#">..<a href="#">...</a>..</a>).

protist said

Also, using regexes on raw HTML is not recommended.

I agree with that. A problem is that it would cause problems if a tag is not closed or opened. For example all mentioned solutions here would change

Lorem Test dolor Test <strong>dolor</strong></a> eirmod


Lorem Test dolor Test <strong>dolor</strong></a> eirmod 1234 dolores sea 1234 takimata 
  • This is a brilliant solution. I would add space after <a and escape slash like this: (Test)(?!(.(?!<a ))*<\/a>)
    – Rualark
    Mar 20, 2020 at 9:32
  • 1
    That is a solution and a great explanation. Your the winner!!! Nov 27, 2020 at 22:58
  • 1
    Does not work for input "Test<a href="Test.com/url">Test</a>" - the first "Test" is not replaced. If you put a space character after the initial Test ("Test <a href...") it works fine. This pattern can handle it: (Test)((?!(.(?!<a))*</a>)|(?=<a))
    – xhafan
    Apr 19, 2022 at 11:35

same as zb226, but optimized with a lazy match

Also, using regexes on raw HTML is not recommended.

  • I also added the \b flag to match a word boundary: (?!<a[^>]*?>)(\bTest\b)(?![^<]*?</a>)
    – Weri
    Sep 19, 2012 at 12:34
  • That should give the regex optimizer more to work with. It also should not adversely affect your matches, as long as _Test_, _Test, or Test_ are not in your document (and assuming you would not care to match them if they were).
    – protist
    Sep 19, 2012 at 13:10
  • 1
    The lookaheaed before Test and the lazy match are meaningless. See my answer.
    – Adam
    Oct 25, 2017 at 16:38
  • 1
    This is not working on regexpr.com Why was this accepted?
    – Rualark
    Mar 20, 2020 at 9:34

This should do the trick:


Try it yourself on regexr.

Follow-up: As Adam explains above, the first part has no effect and can be dropped entirely:

  • 1
    It is meaningless to put a lookahead before the match
    – Adam
    Apr 17, 2018 at 22:43
  • 1
    @Adam That's of course correct, thanks for the heads up :)
    – zb226
    Apr 17, 2018 at 23:04
  • This is not working on regexpr.com Why was this accepted?
    – Rualark
    Mar 20, 2020 at 9:34
  • @Rualark: a) This answer is not accepted and b) I don't know about the gravity of the fact that it is "not working" on some regex-page I've never heard of, and which instantly trips my company's web firewall for malicious content.
    – zb226
    Mar 23, 2020 at 14:13
  • @Adam Upon revisiting this, I find that the lookahead at the beginning of the pattern is indeed crucial. That's weird because I remember testing your claim back then, and it held true! Going to try to come up with an explanation for that.
    – zb226
    Mar 23, 2020 at 14:25

Resurrecting this ancient question because it had a simple solution that wasn't mentioned.

With all the disclaimers about using regex to parse html, here is a simple way to do it.

Method for Perl / PCRE



General Solution


In this version, the text to be replaced is captured in Group 1 and the replacement is performed by a simple callback or lambda.



  1. How to match pattern except in situations s1, s2, s3
  2. For code implementation see the code samples in How to match a pattern unless...
  • The most important part for me was to know $replaced = preg_replace_callback( $regex, function($m) { if(empty($m[1])) return $m[0]; else return "Superman";}, $subject);. So I need to return m[0] if m[1] is empty. Really nice to know. Thank you!
    – mgutt
    Apr 4, 2015 at 14:03

Adapting the proposed solution by @protist, in this case searching for a phrase and excluding any matches inside of a script tag:

(?!<script[^>]*?>)(\bTest Phrase\b)(?![^<]*?<\/script>)


The answer provided by Adam, although more concise, takes longer to execute. This may be proven by editing the demo already mentioned in this comment.

  • What question are you answering?
    – Toto
    Jun 5, 2019 at 16:48
  • The original question mentions "when text is between specific tag", my answer only broadens the solution in the event that someone needs to match against a phrase instead of a single word. Jun 5, 2019 at 16:56


For nest <a> case:



for excluding html <a> (nest)

demo,  case, not good << not_good-in_nest_case

demo,  case, working << working-in_nest_case

  • regex

    • ((.)(?!(.(?!<a))*<\/a>)) (not_good-in_nest_case)
    • (?!<a[^>]*?>)(.)(?![^<]*?<\/a>) (not_good-in_nest_case)
    • (?<!<a>(.(?!<\/a>))*?). (not_good-in_nest_case)
    • <a[^>]*>[^<]*<\/a(*SKIP)(*F)|. (not_good-in_nest_case)
    • (?<tagWrap><a>(?<m>(\g<tagWrap>)|.)*?<\/a>)(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|.
      <- <a>(?<m>(?R)|(?:.(?!<a>|<\/a>))*.)*?<\/a> (working) (PCRE)
  • flag: gms

  • sample text (case when <a> is nested)

    this Test this
    <a>this Test this
    <a>this Test this</a>
    this Test this</a>
    this Test this
    <a>this Test this
    <a>this Test this</a>
    this Test this</a>
    this Test this
    <a>this Test this
    <a>this Test <a>this <em>Test</em> this</a>this</a> more <a>this Test this</a>
    this Test this</a>this Test this
  • explain:

    • (?<tagWrap><a>(?<m>(\g<tagWrap>)|.)*?<\/a>)(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|.
      -- match every character, except(/skip) the ones inside (?<tagWrap><a>(?<m>(\g<tagWrap>)|.)*?<\/a>)

    • (?<tagWrap><a>(?<m>(\g<tagWrap>)|.)*?<\/a>)
      -- matches all the <a>XXXXX</a>, including nest ones

    • (?<m>(\g<tagWrap>)|.)*?
      -- matches XXXXX inside the <a>XXXXX</a>, (\g<tagWrap>) tries to do a recursion whenever possible

      (\g<tagWrap>) tries to recurse & match <a> whenever possible;
      if success, goes into another recursion;
      if fail, |. matches this character -- that is not a <a>;

      *? make sure that: \

      1. recursion (\g<tagWrap>) is attempt/checked for every single character inside XXXXX;
      2. |. matches all the characters inside XXXXX (- when no recursion is needed);
        (XXXXX of <a>XXXXX</a>, but excluding the opening tags <a>/</a> --
        <a> will be matched by the (next) beginning of a recursion BB,
        </a> will be matched by the (next) ending of a recursion BB);
  • minor:

    • the use of (.(?!<a>))* to match everything, until(/break at) <a>, is a good hint.
  • minor:

for excluding html comment <!-- -->

demo, html comment << working (3rd one)

  • regex

    • .(?!(.(?!<!--))*-->) (not_good)
    • (?<!<!--.*?)(.)|(.)(?!.*?-->) (not_working)
    • (?<!<!--(.(?!-->))*?). (working) (Javascript regex implementation)
  • flag: gms

  • sample text (include case when comment is nested & malformed)

    this Test this
    <!--this Test this
    <!--this Test this-->
    this Test this-->
    this Test this
    <!--this Test this
    <!--this Test this-->
    this Test this-->
  • explain:

    • (?<!<!--(.(?!-->))*?).
      -- match every character outside the html comment (but the <!-- & --> openings still get matched...)

    • <!--(.(?!-->))*? match _ 1st / 1st + 2nd / 1st + 2nd + 3rd / ... _ characters starts from <!--, all the way, until down to .(?!-->) -- right before the closest -->.

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