I use the following Wix code to create a WebApplication in IIS and assign it to a specific Application Pool.

<iis:WebAppPool Id="AppPool_Wcf" Name="$(var.WCF_APP_POOL)" />

<iis:WebSite Id="Web_site" Description="$(var.WEB_SITE_DESCRIPTION)" SiteId="[SITEID]">
    <iis:WebAddress Id="Web_Address" Port="*"/>

<DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
    <Directory Id="SITEPATH">
        <Directory Id="WCF_VIRT_DIR" Name="$(var.WCF_VIRT_DIR)">
            <Component Id="IIS_Wcf" Guid="$(var.deploy.wcf.guid)" KeyPath="yes">
                <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="Wcf_VirtualDir" Alias="$(var.WCF_VIRT_DIR)" WebSite="Web_site" Directory="WCF_VIRT_DIR">
                    <iis:WebApplication Id="Wcf_Application" Name="$(var.WCF_VIRT_DIR)" WebAppPool="AppPool_Wcf" />

App Pool should already exist, as it’s shared with some other applications.

If it doesn’t exist, setup succeeds, assigning Web Application to a mysterious <Invalid Application Pool> (can be seen in web app Properties). The application even works!

How can I make installation fail if App Pool is not found?

1 Answer 1


You have to create an immediate custom action for this. For instance, in C#/DTF it could be implemented like this:

public static ActionResult FailIfAppPoolNotExist(Session session)
  DirectoryEntry appPool = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("IIS://localhost/w3svc/AppPools/{0}", session["APP_POOL_NAME"]));

  if (appPool == null)
    return ActionResult.Failure;
  return ActionResult.Success;

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