I have the latest codeigniter version, and was wondering how can i get the segments in a url by their parameter name. For instance, here is a sample url:


now lets say i want to get the value for 'param1', which is 'something', how would i do so using the uri class?

Because by default the uri class only gets segments by number, or the order in which they appear, but i want to get segments by the parameter name in that segment. Or in general just get the parameter value. Hope that makes sense...

3 Answers 3


You could do $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(n) which will give something like the following

'name' => 'joe'
'location'  => 'UK'
'gender'    => 'male'

Then just just the param name you would like.

Source: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/uri.html

  • For the uri_to_assoc() method to work, the URI must be in the following format: domain.tld/key/value/key2/value2/key3/value3 etc.
    – Brendan
    Sep 25, 2012 at 5:26

You could actually put them as GET vars and use the Input Class:

$param = $this->input->get('param1'); // something

or you can do:

$params = $this->input->get(); // array('param1' => 'something', 'param2' => 'somethingelse')

to get all the parameters


I'm not sure this is what you're asking, but in many applications, URLs follow the form www.domain.com/controller/method/key1/value1/key2/value2. So I decided to extend the CI_URI class to return the value of any "key".

If you put this in your application/core folder, in a file named, MY_URI.php, it extends the built-in URI class:

class MY_URI extends CI_URI {

    /* call parent constructor */
    function __construct() {

    /* return value of the URI segment
       which immediately follows the named segment */
    function getNamed($str=NULL) {

        $key = array_search($str, $this->segments);

        if ($key && isset($this->segments[$key+1])) {
            return $this->segments[$key+1];

        return false;



Then if your URLs are in the form


you can call this function as follows:

$this->uri->getNamed('param1) - returns "something"

$this->uri->getNamed('param2) - returns "somethingelse"

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