I have a file like test.l

car ( "kia"
max speed
min speed
price "XXX"
bike ( "R1"
max speed
min speed
price "YYY"

I want to remove the quotes in the line having 'price'. I have been trying to do that using :

use strict;

open FILE, "<<test.l";
#open (FILE2,">>test.l");

while (my $string = <FILE>) {

    if ($string =~ m/^price/ig) {

        $string =~ s/\"//ig;
        print  FILE $string;
close FILE;
#close FILE2;

Can i overwrite the input file with the modified line when 'price' is encountered??? The above code just print the input without any change.

2 Answers 2


No, it's not really possible. You have to create a temporary file. This following trick will create the temporary file for you:

local @ARGV = 'test.1';
local $^I = '';          # Use .bak on Windows
while (<>) {
   s/"//g if /^price/;

It's basically the same as doing

perl -i -pe's/"//g if /^price/' test.1
  • @ysth, tr/"//d, I think? I never use it.
    – ikegami
    Sep 25, 2012 at 4:46
  • I had to reread the question a couple of times to understand what you were referring to as being not possible. Still not clear for me.
    – Zaid
    Sep 25, 2012 at 5:58
  • @Zaid, He wants to read from and write to a single file. Generally, speaking that's not possible (or at least complex and crazy slow), although I suppose it would be in this case since he's always replacing with something shorter. So I recommended he write the output to a temporary file and rename it over the old one, and showed how to do that easily.
    – ikegami
    Sep 25, 2012 at 7:10
perl -ne 'if(/^price/){s/\"//g;}print' your_file

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