When user tries to open some url in my android app a "Choose app" dialog appeared. Can this dialog be customized? At least I need to change its header text, but it'd be great if it is also possible to remove some entries from the dialog.

  • 1
    I don't think so, as it is the way your system choose to interpret the url's intents...
    – Orabîg
    Sep 25, 2012 at 15:31

2 Answers 2


you can use Intent.createChooser to open explicitely the chooser. You can pass it a title.


The right way "to remove some entries from the dialog" is to limit your Intent by putting more strict filters on them (package/category/action, etc).

If you can't limit your Intent to a smaller scope, you will need a way to filter through them, which I don't think it's possible.

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