I read some answered questions but they don't help me! This is my table:

  CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t_status](
[student_id] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[les_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[year_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[status] [bit] NULL,
[Number_of_fail] [int] NULL,

I want prevent duplicate data if their student_id and les_id were equal. How can I do it, I don't have much info about triggers but I tried this one that didn't work!

        ALTER TRIGGER Trigger1
ON dbo.t_status

declare @stu_id nvarchar(50)
declare @les_id int
Declare @Count int 

select @stu_id=student_id,@les_id = les_id From inserted

Select @Count=Count(student_id ) From t_status where les_id=@les_id and student_id=@stu_id
group by student_id

if @Count>1
delete From t_status where student_id =@stu_id
  • 4
    compound primary key on student_id and les_id?
    – dngfng
    Sep 26, 2012 at 12:38

2 Answers 2


i want prevent duplicate data if their student_id and les_id were equal. how can do it,

This is simple enough to do with UNIQUE KEY CONSTRAINT on these two columns than using a trigger.

ALTER TABLE t_status
ADD CONSTRAINT T_Status_Unique_StudentId_LesId UNIQUE (student_id, les_id)

Triggers are meant for enforcing more complex integrity constraints.


Make a composite/compound primary key, there are plenty of examples:


google is your friend...

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