I have a link in the page.On clicking the link the pop up should render with required url.I have the window.open code as follows

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="window.open('/action.do?name=aravind&age=19&url=http://astrik.com/click?id=613*B&offerValue=2.9','chatWindow','menubar=1, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=600,height=450');return false;">Click here</a>

on clicking above link the popup is opening with url upto http://astrik.com/click?id=613*B and offerValue is not showing up in the url of pop up.I need the offerValue to be shown in the url.Any reason for not showing up the offerValue.


3 Answers 3


The provided URL contains a ? that indicates the start of an argument list. Each argument is separated by an &. Thus, for the parser the provided argument list look like this:

name=aravind, age=19, url=http://astrik.com/click?id=613*B and offerValue=2.9. They all belong to the request to /action.do.

You need to escape the last amp with its URL escape code %26 like this:


to "bind" the last argument to the astrik URL. Maybe it is also required to escape the second ? with %3F.


You should escape the data parts in url's before using it. In this case the data part url is bugged by the ampersand(&) in the url.

var url = encodeURIComponent('http://astrik.com/click?id=613*B&offerValue=2.9');

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.open('/action.do?name=aravind&age=19&url=' + url,'chatWindow','menubar=1, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=600,height=450');return false;">Click here</a>

(or just replace the ampersand, not sure now)


Try the following:

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="window.open('/action.do?name=aravind&age=19&url=http://astrik.com/click?id=613*B%26offerValue=2.9','chatWindow','menubar=1, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=600,height=450');return false;">Click here</a>

You must URL encode your parameters for the "url" value, otherwise they will get appended to the original URL.

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