I have a form that I am trying to build to edit multiple records. It's complicated, doesn't map straight to the database, and there can be any number of records. I have the code written so all of the data is passed to the view as a hash. Like this:

 @formdata = {"datafield_1"=>"value_1", "datafield_2"=>"value_2"}

What I want to do is to create something like:

 f.textfield :datafield_1
 f.textfield :datafield_2
 f.textfield :datafield_3
 etc. etc. etc.

But I don't know how to pass the index of my for loop into the variable name. In short, how do I do :datafield_i where i is my index?

1 Answer 1

<% %w(1 2 3).each do |i| %>
  <%= f.textfield(:"datafield_#{i}") -%>
<% end %>


<% @formdata.keys.each do |datafield| %>
  <%= f.textfield(datafield.to_sym) -%>
<% end %>
  • Take that back, this <%= concat(f.input :"start_date_#{i}"), input_html: { value: @ratesform["start_date_1"]} %> says it is missing a ) at the comma before input_html Oct 5, 2012 at 15:18
  • Ok, I figured it out. I can use concat to make a string and then the to_sym to make the variable. Thanks a bunch. Oct 5, 2012 at 15:29
  • <% concat('foo') %> and <%= 'foo' -%> are the same.
    – oldergod
    Oct 5, 2012 at 15:57

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