We currently have a PreDeploy.ps1, Deploy.ps1, PostDeploy.ps1 scripts specific to web applications or window services. Every once in a while we need to have an extension file to customize the deployment process.

We plan to implement extension files using an underscore - something like:


    if( Test-Path "_Deploy.ps1" )
    $extensionFile = Resolve-Path "_Deploy.ps1"
    PowerShell -File $extensionFile 

How can i pass currently scoped variables (variable name and value) to the extensionFile?

1 Answer 1


Well don't start a new PowerShell instance. :-) Run the script in the current PowerShell instance e.g.:

& $extensionFile

If that $extensionFile needs to modify (or create) variables in the current scope then execute it like so:

. $extensionFile
  • I normally use & to execute external .exe programs and thought i would need powershell.exe - I'll give this a shot. Thanks! Oct 11, 2012 at 17:23

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