I have a Metro app done using C# & XAML. I'm using the WebView control to load a URL, and also using Notifications to update the tiles. If the machine isn't connected to the internet, the tile, and the webview are blank. I want to be display some sort of a message indicating that the app isn't able to connect to the Internet.

How do I check for Internet connection? In a try catch block or something?

1 Answer 1


Have you looked at the Network Information sample? It shows how to check for internet connectivity from inside your app. Short version...

var connectionProfile = Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile();

switch (connectionProfile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel())
                    case NetworkConnectivityLevel.None:
                        connectionProfileInfo += "Connectivity Level : None\n";
                    case NetworkConnectivityLevel.LocalAccess:
                        connectionProfileInfo += "Connectivity Level : Local Access\n";
                    case NetworkConnectivityLevel.ConstrainedInternetAccess:
                        connectionProfileInfo += "Connectivity Level : Constrained Internet Access\n";
                    case NetworkConnectivityLevel.InternetAccess:
                        connectionProfileInfo += "Connectivity Level : Internet Access\n";

Make a check before trying to use the WebView and prompt the user accordingly.

  • Awesome, thank you so much. I'll lookup the Network sample as well.
    – tempid
    Oct 15, 2012 at 20:55

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