I have the following code in a controller. I can sort by all fields except Claim.number and Payer.abbr. Anyone see why that might be?

$this->paginate = array(
    'fields' => array(
        'PaymentException.*', 'Procedure.id', 'Procedure.cpt',
        'Procedure.expected_amount', 'Procedure.allowed_amount', 'Procedure.difference_amount',
        'Claim.id', 'Claim.number', 'Payer.abbr'
    'limit' => 50,
    'joins' => array(
            'table' => 'procedures',
            'alias' => 'Procedure',
            'conditions' => array('Procedure.id = PaymentException.procedure_id')
            'table' => 'claims',
            'alias' => 'Claim',
            'conditions' => array('Claim.id = Procedure.claim_id')
            'table' => 'payers',
            'alias' => 'Payer',
            'conditions' => array('Payer.id = Procedure.payer_id')
            'table' => 'groups',
            'alias' => 'Groups',
            'conditions' => array('Groups.id = Claim.group_id')
        'table' => 'exception_workflow_logs',
        'alias' => 'ExceptionWorkflowLog',
        'conditions' => array('ExceptionWorkflowLog.exception_id = PaymentException.id')
    'conditions' => $conditions

All of the fields have been done in the view like:

<?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Claim', 'Claim.number'); ?>

I see them in the URL, but it never sorts by Claim.number or Payer.abbr. I don't see why that would be.

In my conditions array I have:

  0 => string 'Procedure.difference_amount < 0' (length=31)
  1 => string 'PaymentException.finalized IS NULL' (length=34)

Note that the conditions array stays the same even on the columns that sort properly.

  • Get the sql generated and make sure it's correct. Try running that query in phpmyadmin or another tool to see if it works.
    – tigrang
    Oct 15, 2012 at 21:13
  • Looking at the SQL output, it is not correct. I'm trying to sort by Claim.number and there is no ORDER BY in the output.
    – nwalke
    Oct 15, 2012 at 21:27
  • What is in $conditions array ? Oct 17, 2012 at 14:47
  • Updated question to include conditions array
    – nwalke
    Oct 17, 2012 at 14:51

1 Answer 1


You cant use joins and containable together. You will need to remove the contain and use a join or fetch the records for the contain in a second query.

  • Sorry to remove the green check mark, but this actually doesn't work. I've removed the contain and made it a join, and I'm seeing the exact same thing. Anything I can do to debug?
    – nwalke
    Nov 15, 2012 at 15:54

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