I need to use some features for both the new Facebook SDK 3.0 and the deprecated one in the same class like this :

#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
#import "Facebook.h"

but I got some problems when importing these togethers in same class.

80% of my code are working on the new SDK 3.0 I just use the old one for the post and friend request but I cant use them at same time in the same class.

So is there any way to use them in the same ViewController?

3 Answers 3


No you can not do that directly, you can't have two classes with the same name in your project.


I solve it,,,

Instead of import all the library like this :

#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>

I Just import the only I need beside the old Facebook SDK like this :

#import "FBSession.h"
#import "FBProfilePictureView.h"
#import "FBRequestConnection.h"
#import "FBLoginView.h"
#import "Facebook.h"

And its working now :)


There is symbolic links in FacebookSDK.framework folder, practically this folder looks like this

FacebookSDK -> ./Versions/A/FacebookSDK
Headers -> ./Versions/A/Headers
Resources -> ./Versions/A/Resources

So current version is /Versions/A/Headers , the old version is /Versions/A/DeprecatedHeaders , you shout find way to mixed or to make "FacebookSDK_old.framework" for example and inside should be

Headers -> ./Versions/A/DeprecatedHeaders

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