 <title> Buttons</title>
 <style type="text/css">


<form name="calculator">
<input type="text"  name="display" length="50" width="100">
<input type= "button" value="7" class="intro" id="7" onclick="one(7)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="8" class="intro" id="8" onclick="one(8)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="9" class="intro" id="9" onclick="one(9)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="+" class="intro" id="+" onclick="one(+)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="-" class="intro" id="-" onclick="one(-)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="4" class="intro" id="4" onclick="one(4)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="5" class="intro" id="5" onclick="one(5)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="6" class="intro" id="6" onclick="one(6)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="x" class="intro" id="x" onclick="one(*)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="/" class="intro" id="/" onclick="one(/)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="1" class="intro" id="1" onclick="one(1)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="2" class="intro" id="2" onclick="one(2)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="3" class="intro" id="3" onclick="one(3)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="=" class="intro" ></button>
<input type= "button" value="0" class="intro" id="0" onclick="one(0)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="." class="intro" id="." onclick="one(.)"></button>
<input type= "button" value="c" class="intro" onclick="clearDigit()"></button>

<script type="text/javascript" src="C:\Users\LS\Desktop\QBJS\button.js">




function one(event)

//Everytime I type a number into my display window it replaces the previous number instead of concatenating to it like a an actual calculator would. Also trying to figure out why I cant get my function symbols to appear in my display window....I suspect it has something to do with my setTimeout....

  function AddDigit(x)
  if (eval(digit) == 0)
   {digit = object;}
   {digit = digit + object;}


  • Why are you using a timer instead of just calling AddDigit right away? Oct 18, 2012 at 1:16

2 Answers 2


It isn't concatenating, it is not even adding. You cannot pass like that. The reason is that when you issue a callback with a string, it only will call the function. If you want to pass parameters then you need to create a closure and pass them in there.

Try this:

timer=setTimeout(function(){ AddDigit(object); },500);

More than likely what you meant to pass was the event:

timer=setTimeout(function(){ AddDigit(event); },500);


object = event;
timer=setTimeout(function(){ AddDigit(object); },500);

Also, in AddDigit, it is possible you wanted this instead:

document.calculator.display.value += object;

You're doing,


But the concatenated version is the "digit" variable.

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