Why can I write the command

ping www.google.com

but not

ping www.google.com/


ping http://www.google.com

The latter two yield an "unknown host" error.

2 Answers 2


Ping is used to tell if a host (hostname or IP address) is alive. It uses the ICMP protocol to do so. It does not know anything about URLs or web servers.

What you probably want is a http ping utility, like http-ping. Or you can use tools like curl, or wget to retrieve website index pages and measure the latency that way.

Example with curl (this does a HEAD request):

$ time curl -I http://www.cnn.com >/dev/null

real    0m0.242s    <== 242 milliseconds
user    0m0.015s
sys     0m0.016s

Example with curl for GET request:

$ time curl http://www.cnn.com >/dev/null

real    0m0.783s    <== 783 milliseconds
user    0m0.031s
sys     0m0.030s

This will give you a crude idea of how responsive the web server is from your host.


Because ping works with IP addresses or hostnames (resolves to IP for you).

www.google.com is a host, but www.google.com/ and http://www.google.com are urls.

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