I have a list of the following format, how can I add style to the first 2 list elements using CSS (should work in IE8):

<ul id="list1"  style="margin-left:-20%;font-weight:bold" >
   <li class="xyz"> Element1 </li>
   <li class="xyz"> Element2 </li>
   <li class="xyz"> Element3 </li>
  • 2
    You'll need nth-child with a JavaScript fallback for ie 8. Oct 22, 2012 at 9:42

6 Answers 6


Try this way

 #list1 li:first-child

#list1 li:first-child+li


you can use nth-child pseudo class, but it won't work on IE8 and earlier. instead, i would style every element like you want to style firtst two

ul li {
color: red;

and then style last one differently, like this:

ul li + li + li {
color: blue;

this should work on older IE as well.


Try this code in your css

    ul li:first-child {
    /* equivalent to li:nth-child(2) */
    ul li:first-child + li {

This is an example in jsfiddle with another code but works in IE8 downvote is inappropriate in this case:


  • 2
    What? IE8 supports first-child, it does not support last-child.
    – Hcabnettek
    Nov 11, 2013 at 20:27

For this issue you use this code in head tag then set 1 class to element 2

<!--[if IE 8]>
        Your Style

this code only work in IE8


You can add it easily by using following selector and it works in IE8 also

#list1 li:first-child, #list1 li:nth-child(2){ border:1px solid red; }

$("li:lt(2)").css("color", "red");

Using the JQuery selector :lt() (less than) will target the first 2 li's.

Read up on it here - http://api.jquery.com/lt-selector/

  • the OP said he was looking for a CSS solution
    – BiAiB
    Oct 22, 2012 at 9:50

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