I am working on SQL server 2005. While inserting specified date in the database by this format:
(10/11/2012 00:00:0:00)(MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:s:ms).

select CAST(day(column name) AS CHAR(2)) + ' '
   + CONVERT(CHAR(4), column name, 100) + ', '
   + CONVERT(CHAR(4), column name, 120) as Coupon_expire
from Admin

I can't convert this date to this type (Wednesday, October 11, 2012), please help me.


1 Answer 1

SELECT  DATENAME(weekday,'10/11/2012')
      + ', '
      + DATENAME(month,'10/11/2012')
      + ' '
      + convert(varchar,month('10/11/2012'))
      + ', '
      + convert(varchar,year('10/11/2012'))    

Try this.

  • +1 for a good solution, one minor detail. In my opinion, instead of using default length, you should always specify the length of the varchar. Oct 26, 2012 at 7:50

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