When I include the line:

au BufWinEnter * silent! loadview "load folds

Which resumes my saved folds, it breaks the syntax highlighting... but only in files named specifically "prototypes.h"... which is what I always name my .h files, so it must be some saved data breaking it.

Where are folds saved?

1 Answer 1


It is stated in help, used the following sequence: :help :loadview: “… the view stored with ":mkview" is loaded.”, then :h :mkview (really <C-]> on :mkview in the text): “… a name is generated and 'viewdir' prepended …”, :h 'viewdir' (same, <C-]>): “default for … and Win32: "$VIM/vimfiles/view", for Unix: "~/.vim/view"…”. I was unable to find the description of how name is generated, but simple test has shown that for /usr/share/vim/vim73/doc/starting.txt it generated =+usr=+share=+vim=+vim73=+doc=+starting.txt=.

If you want to use vim efficiently you should know how to use its help system.

  • Thank you! I had got about to the :h viewdir before getting lost, and googled. Anyway a quick rm * in that folder solved my problems : )
    – CornSmith
    Oct 28, 2012 at 0:20

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