In my android application, i have to write a string into a file. Before that I want to format the string to make the font bold and have a new text size. So I modify the string.xml by

 "<string name="file_title" ><b>#title*</b></string>",

for bold the text and wrote to text file. But it is not showing as bold in the file.

  1. Is that right method i used to implement the string bold?
  2. Also i want to know how to change the text size of a string direct from string.xml

how to add that boldness in file... i tried

  "<string name="note"><![CDATA[<b>title</b>]]></string>"

in java code get your string


by using texview it"s coming bold , exaclty i want to write to file, using the below code


but i can"t see the boldness in my print.txt file...

Thanks & Regards Anoop


4 Answers 4


You Should try to use dimens.xml for dimension values

then reference it @dimen/yourDimensionName

Refer this link for

Or other way is using HTML from java code

I tried this is working.

In your string.xml file try this

<string name="test"><![CDATA[<b>test</b>]]></string>

In your java code settext this string value from string resource like this


Its working fine....


Try this

in string.xml write like this

    <string name="note"><![CDATA[<b>title</b>]]></string>

in java code get your string
  • how to add that boldness in file... i tried bufferWritter.write(String.valueOf(Html.fromHtml(getString(R.string.note)))); Nov 3, 2012 at 7:23
  • @AnoopNarayan you are writing in bufferWritter if this text is directly set to your textview then this will in bold letter
    – J.D.
    Nov 3, 2012 at 9:20

This is not the right way. Just change its size from xml directly. use.


In order to do that, you should have your xml resource as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="file_title"><b>title*</b>!</string>

And then use:

Resources res = getResources();
String text = res.getString(R.string.file_title);
CharSequence styledText = Html.fromHtml(text);

In order to change the text or other parameters, you can add a <span></span> with specific css style around your text.

For more information please check here: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html

Hope this helps!

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