Why does the last expected output differ from the actual output in the following code?


using namespace std;

int main()
        vector<int> v;
        for(int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++){

        vector<vector<int>> twoDv;

        for(int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++){

        cout<<"Expected Output : " << &twoDv[0][0] <<'\t'<< (&twoDv[0][0] + 3) <<'\t'<< (&twoDv[0][3] + 1)<<'\n';
        cout<<"Actual Output   : " << &twoDv[0][0] <<'\t'<< &twoDv[0][3] <<'\t'<< &twoDv[1][0] << '\n';
  • So what is the expected/actual output? My guess is that you wanted to do something else than adding v five times into twoDv
    – Chris
    Nov 12, 2012 at 9:38

3 Answers 3


vector< vector< int > > is not a two-dimensional array like int[5][5]. It's an array of pointers to arrays. (To be more precise, it contains a sequence of std::vector objects containing pointers to integers.) Only the "rows" are contiguous. Different rows are not contiguous with each other because they may be stored in different malloc'ed blocks of memory.


A vector does store its elements in continuous memory. But the elements of vector<vector<int>> twoDv; are vectors, not ints, and the ints are stored in continuous memory internally, per vector.

enter image description here

Think of an array of pointers:

int* x[10];

The 10 pointers are stored in continuous memory, but what they point to doesn't have to be in continuous memory.


The standard doesn't say that &twoDv[1][0] is equal to &twoDv[0][3] + 1. It says that &twoDv[1] is equal to &twoDv[0] + 1, and that &twoDv[0][1] is equal to &twoDv[0][0] + 1.

Suppose for a moment that &twoDv[1][0] were equal to &twoDv[0][3] + 1, and then you did twoDv[0].resize(5);. Suddenly we have a conflict, &twoDv[0][3] + 1 can't be the address of &twoDv[1][0] and also the address of &twoDv[0][4]. So the resize operation on twoDv[0] would have to invalidate iterators and references to the elements of another vector twoDv[1]. This would be very undesirable behavior.

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