How would I convert the following sql query to Arel?

          LAPS.CAMPAIGN_ID = :j_id

There are 3 tables/models. jogathons, sponsorships, and laps. :j_id is the jogathon id.

  • LEAST seems specific to PostgreSQL, so AREL does not support it natively. This makes your query very hard, if not impossible, to translate in a db-agnostic manner. The subselect itself is supported by arel, so the rest of the query may be implementable ; you just have to find a trick to get rid of LEAST
    – m_x
    Nov 13, 2012 at 11:21
  • @m_x: Lots of databases understand LEAST and AREL supports things that aren't covered by the standard. The SQL standard and AREL have little to do with each other (and SQL and relational algebra are related but they're not the same thing either). You can usually replace LEAST with a CASE but I don't think AREL understands CASE (which is standard) either so you'd have to write SQL for that. I haven't seen any way to cleanly do subqueries or derived tables with AREL (I admit that I haven't looked that hard). Nov 13, 2012 at 18:03
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    @muistooshort i agree ;my point was that if you want to translate a query in Arel, you probably want it to be db-agnostic too. AFAIK you can use Arel::SQLLitteral to create custom nodes, and subqueries are possible (there's an example in arel's select_manager tests, see 'can make a subselect'). Too bad it's so hard to find good documentation about arel...
    – m_x
    Nov 14, 2012 at 8:13
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    @m_x: I didn't mean to be too critical, I just find it easier, clearer, and more compact to write SQL than figure out how to express it it using the various friendly tools and this is a pet peeve of mine. I hear on the documentation problems, it is a shame. Nov 14, 2012 at 8:22
  • @muistooshort agreed. IMHO where Arel really shines is to create reusable, parameterizable bits of queries. This is why it's so useful in ORMs, but good'ol SQL for one-shot-one-purpose queries is better. As to me, i tend to use Arel whenever possible because it somehow helps me to think in a db-agnostic frame of mind : maybe because it is so limitating ? ;)
    – m_x
    Nov 14, 2012 at 11:17


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