I get the following returned result from a print_r of a variable returned from a $metadataPlugin->metadata->listAction($filter, $pager) function. I am trying to echo out the [xml] piece but can't figure out how to do it.

KalturaMetadataListResponse Object ( [objects] => Array ( [0] => KalturaMetadata Object ( [id] => 1 [partnerId] => 8 [metadataProfileId] => 2 [metadataProfileVersion] => 1 [metadataObjectType] => 1 [objectId] => 0 [version] => 1 [createdAt] => 1353093894 [updatedAt] => 1353093894 [status] => 1 [xml] => 1353049200 ) ) [totalCount] => 1 )  

I have tried

echo $result['objects'][0]->xml;


echo $result[0]->xml;

with no success.

1 Answer 1


It looks like it should be


Just remember when looking at print_r or var_dump results that any time you see Object (...) that you will need to use -> to access the property listed for that object.

So in this case, you have a base Object set as $result, which you then need to get the objects property from. That property contains an array. At index 0 of the array, is another Object, which is the Object where your xml property resides.


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