I am an experienced JAVA and C++ developer and I am trying to understand how rails works.

I got this code below:

respond_to do |format|
      if @line_item.save
        format.html { redirect_to store_url }
        format.js { render :json => @line_item, :mime_type => Mime::Type.lookup('application/json'), 
                :callback => 'javascriptFunction' }

and I've been searching the api that defines what I can pass inside the format.js {} but I could not find..

first of all: what kind of statement is format.js, is that a variable?

and most important: what attributes can I pass into format.js {} ? can you pass the direct link? I've searched over the http://api.rubyonrails.org/

2 Answers 2

respond_to do |format|
  format.js # actually means: if the client ask for js -> return file.js

js here specifies a mime-type that the controller method would send back as a response;
Default Rails mime-types.
If you try also with format.yaml:

respond_to do |format|

that will mean that your controller will return yml or js depending on what the client-side is asking;

{} in terms of ruby is a block; If you don't specify any rails will try to render a default file from app/views/[contoller name]/[controller method name].[html/js/...]

# app/controllers/some_controller.rb
def hello
  respond_to do |format|

will look for /app/views/some/hello.js.erb; // at least in Rails v. 2.3.

If you do specify block:

respond_to do |format|
    # that will mean to send a javascript code to client-side;
    format.js { render             
        # raw javascript to be executed on client-side
        "alert('Hello Rails');", 
        # send HTTP response code on header
        :status => 404, # page not found
        # load /app/views/your-controller/different_action.js.erb
        :action => "different_action",
        # send json file with @line_item variable as json
        :json => @line_item,
        :file => filename,
        :text => "OK",
        # the :location option to set the HTTP Location header
        :location => path_to_controller_method_url(argument)

  • What if you want to specify the js file to be called, instead of the convention of same file name as method name? I am trying to use the same js file for different controllers.
    – kakubei
    Jul 19, 2013 at 9:59
  • 2
    format.js { :render ... should be format.js { render .... I'd edit it, but I have to change more than 6 characters to save the changes.
    – d_rail
    Aug 15, 2013 at 4:15
  • stil, the question remains: what kind of statement is format.js, is that a variable?
    – Lokomotywa
    Aug 25, 2015 at 16:07
  • 2
    @Ferenjito, format is a variable from block respond_to do |format| , which holds an object. Calling .js on that object defines a behavior for javascript mimetype response. Sort of DSL
    – ted
    Oct 5, 2015 at 6:51
  • 1
    alone format.js throws me error > unknow format . but when i put format.html it allows me to go without entering in js.erb file . why
    – Mani
    Oct 14, 2015 at 8:31

I believe this was the url you were looking for:


This might also be helpful to some, to see that you can actually render js directly within the format.js method, if you for example only have a small one line js statement you want to return, and you don't want to defer to a RJS file like controller_action_name.js.erb:

respond_to do |format|
  format.html { redirect_to new_admin_session_path }
  format.js   { render :js => "window.location='#{ new_admin_session_path }'" }

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