When I click a button, I want to apply some jQuery (let's say fadeOut) to the first image with the class my-image.

When I click that button again, I want to do the same thing to the next occurrence in the markup of an image with the class my-image.

The images all appear in various places throughout the markup and are not necessarily siblings.

Thanks for any help.

2 Answers 2


Though untested, you could take advantage of the visible and first psuedo-selectors.


If your function is one that animates use not and animated to ensure you don't match one currently fading:


To refine our understanding of the filter method, I just tested long hand as well.


This is particularly useful during development to quickly comment out various steps:

//    .not(':animated')
  • ..and thanks for the question, I've never previously tried to nest psudeos that deep.
    – Apex
    Aug 30, 2009 at 23:04

You can have two classes. One for the images that were already faded out, and another for those who were not. Like:

<img src="" alt="" class="not_faded" />


<img src="" alt="" class="faded" />

Now with jQuery you can do the following:

$('#mybutton').click (function (){
    $('.not_faded:first').fadeOut (); // your fade out effect
    $('.not_faded:first').attr ('class', 'faded');

This code gets the first image that belongs the not_faded class and makes the fade out effect. Then changes the class of that image to 'faded'. So the first image of the class not_faded, next time, will be the second one.

Edit: check out Matt's solution, it's more elegant and takes full advantage of jQuery.

  • +1 although I would use addClass() and removeClass() instead of attr() in case some other class has already been applied to the image. Aug 30, 2009 at 22:52
  • OK, but once I've cycled through all of the images, they've all been set to "faded" so the code no longer does anything, because there are no more "not_faded" elements. I believe this would be the case for both your and Matt's suggestions. Any ideas for getting around that? I should probably mention that this is for one of those Coda slider showcases. I have the sliding working, but I want to add a bit more animation to the image that's currently being viewed.
    – Mike
    Aug 31, 2009 at 3:58

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