I need to connect 2 entites. The first one - Player (attr = "name"), the second - Profiles (attr: "player_id", "command_id" and other stuff). There is a relationship "player" between Profiles and Player. I want to show the Profile entity but with players names instead of player_ids. player_id is [[[_player objectID] URIRepresentation] absoluteString]. How should I call [fetchRequest setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"player_id==player.<object id>"]]?

2 Answers 2


My initital approach was wrong. NSManagedObject subclassed objects should be used instead of their ids.


I think what you might be after is Apple's predicate variable substitution.


Scroll down to "Cocoa Fundamental" and check the code to see how Apple does it.

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