%.600x.png: %.svg
    inkscape --export-png=$@ --export-width=600 --export-area-drawing $<

%.300x.png: %.svg
    inkscape --export-png=$@ --export-width=300 --export-area-drawing $<

How would you avoid the repetition shown in the above Makefile? To get my point across, I'll invent some new syntax.

%(1).%(2)x.png: %(1).svg
    inkscape --export-png=$@ --export-width=%(2) --export-area-drawing $<

1 Answer 1


Primitive wildcard handling is one of Make's glaring shortcomings. Here is a way to do what you want, but it isn't exactly elegant:

define pngrule
%.$(1)x.png: %.svg
    inkscape --export-png=$$@ --export-width=$(1) --export-area-drawing $$<

$(eval $(call pngrule,300))

$(eval $(call pngrule,600))

Note the $$@ and $$< in the command, and the lack of whitespace in the call statements.

If you have a lot of these widths, it may be worthwhile to remove a little more redundancy:

WIDTHS := 300 600

$(foreach width,$(WIDTHS),$(eval $(call pngrule,$(width))))
  • While the shortcoming does bother me, it's not all bad in this case. I don't completely mind having an easily enforced limited set of acceptable widths.
    – altendky
    Dec 4, 2012 at 14:42
  • @altendky: If the wildcard handling were a little better, you could have a limited set of acceptable widths without so much plumbing. Questions equivalent to "how can I have more than one wildcard in a pattern rule?" come up a lot, and the answer is always clumsy.
    – Beta
    Dec 4, 2012 at 15:06

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