I'm trying to get the image src from an array of a Facebook page stream. I query the table using the facebook php sdk and the following FQL multiquery:


"query1"=>"SELECT actor_id, attachment.media, app_data, description, message, permalink, likes.count, created_time, comments.count, action_links, attachment, type FROM stream WHERE source_id = 294546637313646 AND type > 0  limit 50",
"query2"=>"SELECT name, page_id FROM page WHERE page_id IN (SELECT actor_id FROM #query1)");

'method' => 'fql.multiquery',
'queries' => $query

$posts = $response[0]['fql_result_set'];
$author = $response[1]['fql_result_set'];

this gives me an array that has this in it:

[4] => Array
                        [actor_id] => 294546637313646
                        [attachment] => Array
                                [media] => Array
                                        [0] => Array
                                                [href] => http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=306133272821649&set=a.306133049488338.53827.294546637313646&type=1&relevant_count=1
                                                [alt] => Test Amp Picture
                                                [type] => photo
                                                [src] => http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/69480_306133272821649_877073836_s.jpg
                                                [photo] => Array
                                                        [aid] => 294546637313646_53827
                                                        [pid] => 294546637313646_561094
                                                        [fbid] => 306133272821649
                                                        [owner] => 294546637313646
                                                        [index] => 1

I'm trying to echo the image src, but can't work out how to do so.

I've tried having: $pics = $posts[0]['fql_result_set']; and then echo "<img src={$pics['src']} />"; but that doesn't work.

Any help please, would be gratefully received.


  • I see that your array, or at least what you've shown of it, starts with index 4, I'm guessing you will need to access that index: $posts[4]['attachment']['media'][0]['src']
    – Dale
    Dec 10, 2012 at 14:18
  • Hi Dale, the array starts at 0, but up until 4, there were no images. I'm looping through using a for each so would expect nothing until 4.
    – Neil Frost
    Dec 10, 2012 at 15:32
  • 1
    I guess you need to have some exception handling, for that! Dec 10, 2012 at 18:08

1 Answer 1


untested php code:

$query = "SELECT actor_id, attachment.media, app_data, description, message, permalink, likes.count, created_time, comments.count, action_links, attachment, type FROM stream WHERE source_id = 294546637313646 AND type > 0  limit 50";
$response = $facebook->api('/fql?q='.$query);
$posts = $response["data"];

foreach($posts as $post){
   //do stuff

   //check to see if theres an image
     if(isset($post["attachment"]["media"]) and is_array($post["attachment"]["media"])){
          //lets get the first image only!
         $first_pic = $post["attachment"]["media"][0];
         //here's the src of the first picture!
         $src = $first_pic["src"];
         echo "<img src='$src' />";
         echo "There is no attached picture!";
  • Thanks, nearly there, it displays the images on all posts. So for example, 2 facebook posts have images, and 3 do not. When displaying, all posts have the 2 images... It's along the right lines though...
    – Neil Frost
    Dec 11, 2012 at 9:57
  • worked it out, I used the following if (isset ($value["attachment"]["media"][0]["src"])){ echo "<img src='". $value["attachment"]["media"][0]["src"]. "'/>"; } and that displays the image without any additional for each loops... Thanks for you help though Tommy it pointed me in the right direction.
    – Neil Frost
    Dec 11, 2012 at 22:57

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