I am new to struts and I was thinking if we can implement OR and AND conditions with struts logic:equal? if not then what are the alternatives.

3 Answers 3


for AND like if(Column1 == "1" && Column2 == "2") { .... }

you can use :

<logic:equal name="urList" property="Column1" value="1">
  <logic:equal name="urList" property="Column2" value="2">

or for 'OR' :

<logic:equal name="urList" property="Column1" value="1">
<logic:equal name="urList" property="Column2" value="2">

sry for bad english.

  • Unfortunately this OR implementation does doSomeThing twice if both conditions are met Sep 19, 2017 at 12:58
  • how can u do, to amke it doSomeThing ( in OR condition) but just once? Oct 19, 2018 at 14:02
  • @PetrÚjezdský ty Oct 19, 2018 at 14:02
  • 1
    You have to negate the first statement in the second one using logic:notEqual and then nest your "OR" branch. Oct 22, 2018 at 7:33

You can use EL with Strut's taglib. You can also use JSTL (c:if in this case).


use JSP scriptlet instead of logic: equals

if(string.equals("Rejected") || string.equals("selected")){
do someting


<%if(string.equals("Rejected") || string.equals("selected")){
do someting
  • Never use scriptlets, it's an antipattern Feb 13 at 16:12

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