I have two div box Left and right... I need flexible listing height in right div box as left box content are not fixed...Means if i add some contents in 'left div box'.. then 'right div box' autoflow content box height should be adjust accordingly

Here is a link


.dvleft{float:left;} .dvright{float:right}.dv100per{width:100%;float:left}
.grey_bg2{padding: 5px 0px 8px 7px;background-color:#F7F7F7;color:#000; font-size:13px}
    .contactlist{background-color:#FFF;float:left;width:100%;padding: 5px 0px 10px 0px;height:239px;overflow:auto}
    .sharecon{float:left;width:100%; border-bottom:solid 1px #e6e6e6; padding:3px 0 6px 0}


<div class="dvright grey_bg2 mTop20" style="width: 365px; padding: 7px 8px 10px 8px;">
    <div class="dv100per">
        <span class="dvleft">
            <strong>Right Box</strong>

        <div class="contactlist">
            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>

            <div class="sharecon">
                <span class="dvleft">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox">

                <span class="dvleft mleft15">
                    <strong class="text11">abc123..</strong>
                <span class="dvleft mleft15">[email protected]</span>


</div><!--Right Block Ends Here--->

  • Please elaborate your question. Dec 14, 2012 at 6:21
  • I need to adjust the right div's height as i insert more content in left div box...Please check the given link of jsfiddle...
    – Gaurav
    Dec 14, 2012 at 6:35

2 Answers 2


If you are a using j Query then try this,

    var leftDivHeight = $('.dvleft').height();
    var rightDivHeight = $('.dvright').css({height: leftDivHeight});

you can use jquery equalizeCols plugin

  • will not work in my case.. because i want to adjust the height for Overflow content...:(
    – Gaurav
    Dec 14, 2012 at 7:03
  • Can we use jquery " $('.elements').height(Math.max($('#div1').height(), $('#div2').height()));" here...??? if yes.. please some prodive the example...:)
    – Gaurav
    Dec 14, 2012 at 7:39

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