I just can't find the answer... Is there a way to pass a CSS class to my open-form-tag?

For example I want to create a form with the class ''form-horizontal''.

The docs say this:

// Render the opening tag
echo $this->form()->openTag($form);
// <form action="/contact/process" method="post">

But how adding the form class name?

Edit: I tried adding this to my Form.php but nothing happend...

public function getOptions()
    return array('class' => 'form-horizontal');



3 Answers 3


You can also use

    'action' => '/someurl',
    'method' => 'post',
    'class'  => 'form-horizontal'

Alright, the trick is to use setAttribute twice!

Do this in the Form.php:

$this->setAttribute('method', 'post');
$this->setAttribute('class', 'form-horizontal');

Reference Link is:


  • 1
    Just as another hint: every occurance of Attribute in ZF2 should always reference to a HTML-Attribute. All other stuff is referenced to as Option
    – Sam
    Dec 18, 2012 at 10:03

It works is using

$this->setAttribute('method', 'post');
$this->setAttribute('class', 'form-horizontal');

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