I am trying to write a factory method that will create a derived instance of an abstract generic collection class. Here are the base classes ...

abstract class ItemBase { }

abstract class CollectionBase<T> : Collection<T> where T : ItemBase, new() { }

...and their derived classes ...

class Item : ItemBase { }

class ItemCollection : CollectionBase<Item> {}

Now, I want a factory method that will create an ItemCollection. But note that the derived classes Item and ItemCollection are unknown to the class that contains this factory method. This is how I imagine it should be ...

static T CreateItemCollection<T>() where T : CollectionBase<ItemBase>, new()
    return new T();

... and I imagine invoking it thus ...

var collection = CreateItemCollection<ItemCollection>();

But the factory method won't compile because ItemBase must have a parameterless constructor. And the invokation call refuses to believe that ItemCollection is derived from CollectionBase<ItemBase>.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks.

2 Answers 2


ItemCollection isn't derived from CollectionBase<ItemBase>, due to generic invariance. After all, you can add an ItemBase to a CollectionBase<ItemBase> - but you don't want that for your ItemCollection!

You need to make the method generic in two type parameters:

static T CreateItemCollection<TCollection, TItem>()
    where TCollection : CollectionBase<TItem>, new()
    where TItem : ItemBase
    return new TCollection();

Only the collection type needs a parameterless constructor. You'd call this with:

var collection = CreateItemCollection<ItemCollection, Item>();
  • Thanks. This solves my problem, even if I still can't fully understand why the compiler insists on being so strict (as commented by JaredPar below). Sep 8, 2009 at 15:32
  • 1
    @Tim: As I said, because ItemCollection must not allow all the same calls as CollectionBase<ItemBase>. Read up on Eric Lippert's blog series about variance for more details - unfortunately I need to run now, so don't have time to chase the link.
    – Jon Skeet
    Sep 8, 2009 at 15:33

The problem here is generic constraints, in C# 3.0, have any leeway with regards to variance. The matching is instead fairly strict. Since ItemCollection derives from CollectionBase<Item> it is not considered to be derived from CollectionBase<ItemBase> even though the types may appear to be compatible.

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