I am using EF Code First in an Asp.net project. Code First created my database just fine but I am having fits getting it to seed my database with data. I am using a custom database initializer like so:

namespace Toolkit.Model
    public class EntitiesContextInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<ToolkitContext>
        protected override void Seed(ToolkitContext context)
            List<Server> Servers = new List<Server>
                new Server { ServerName = "Server 16" },
                new Server { ServerName = "Server 29" }

            foreach (Server server in Servers)


I set the initializer in the the Global.asax.cs and force the database to initialize like so:

using Toolkit.Model;

namespace Toolkit
    public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication

        void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Database.SetInitializer(new EntitiesContextInitializer());
            var context = new ToolkitContext();


The problem is that my Initializer never gets called and so my database never gets populated. I have even tried changing the initializer to inherit DropCreateDatabaseAlways instead but still nothing... What am I missing here?

EDIT So after dropping the database my initializer got called fine. However I still wonder why it didn't get called in other instances such as when I added a table (so the model changed) or when I changed the initialzer to be DropCreateDatabaseAlways.

  • Is your connection string correct? Are you able to save anything using that context? Dec 21, 2012 at 16:06
  • @IronMan84 Yes I am connecting fine.
    – ferics2
    Dec 21, 2012 at 16:26

4 Answers 4


I'm using a similar configuration for a SQL CE database, but instead of DropCreate, I'm using CreateIfNotExists.
The difference between what I have and yours is that you have are creating a context and calling initialize on the database. Based on that, I would suggest that you remove the context setup and the Database.initialize calls that you have in the application_start method.



Database.SetInitializer<MyContextName>(new EntitiesContextInitializer)

in EF 5.0 the library is declared as

public static void SetInitializer<TContext>(IDatabaseInitializer<TContext> strategy) where TContext : DbContext;

You can use Database Migrations with Code-First. Whenever you use Update-database command when your model changes, your Seed method (in Migrations) will be called.

This article explains more:


You can also force it in Application_Start() your way:

Database.SetInitializer(new EntitiesContextInitializer());
            var context = new ToolkitContext();
  • I am using database migrations. When I add the POCOs for a new table and do the update the table is created but the seed method is never called on my initializer. The only way I have gotten this to work is to manually drop the existing DB. As for the application start, if have already tried changing initialize to true with no success.
    – ferics2
    Dec 21, 2012 at 18:16
  • It is a actually the Seed method of DbMigrationsConfiguration<ToolkitContext> that is called when you do a migration, not the initializer. Example: odetocode.com/Blogs/scott/archive/2012/08/31/…. Try placing your code there. Dec 21, 2012 at 18:20

At the end of your overriden menthod, Seed, in class, EntitiesContextInitializer, place at the end of the method add a line:

base.Seed (context)

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