When executing the rails new ... command, eventually the task bundle install will be executed. For many of my projects I require the same gems and have to add them manually after creating the app and then run bundle install again manually.

Is there any way to modify the rails new command to write those gems inside the Gemfile while generating the app, so that when it executes bundle install all my gems are already in place? Ideally only triggered if I give an optional parameter?

  • FYI: You can do rails new app --skip-bundle, and it won't run bundle install directly. You can then add the gems, and run bundle yourself.
    – Dogbert
    Jan 1, 2013 at 16:01
  • Thanks, but I don't mind it running bundle - in fact, I want to use it to directly install the gems I need. Jan 1, 2013 at 16:04

1 Answer 1


Try to use application templates

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