I am creating a Ranorex Checkbox object and then grabbing the appropriate checkbox using Ranorexpath. But I am unable to check this checkbox using the CheckBox.Check() event. On the UI, a tick mark appears on the checkbox but in reality the checkbox remains unchecked and as a result the expected messages do not appear on the screen and the test fails. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Code snipped below:

                if(value=="99283" || value =="99281")
                    Ranorex.CheckBox EMlevelReason="/dom[@domain='"+domain+"']//object[#'slApp']/form/form[1]/form/list[@automationid='lstOuter']/listitem[4]/list/listitem[4]/checkbox[@name='Single xray']";                      
                        EMlevelReason.Check();  // doesn't work. the checkbox appears checked on the UI but actually remains unchecked                  
  • What does your code look like..? also have you checked the Ranorex website for code samples and examples..?ranorex.com/search.html?q=Ranorex+Checkbox the second link will help you more perhaps ranorex.com/support/user-guide-20/ranorexpath.html
    – MethodMan
    Jan 2, 2013 at 6:58
  • @DJKRAZE I have got the ranorexpath right... Like I mentioned it able to focus on the checkbox. But is unable to check it.
    – RSK
    Jan 2, 2013 at 8:33
  • Perhaps you should post the code method or event where the code resides where you are checking the State of the CheckBox..
    – MethodMan
    Jan 2, 2013 at 9:37

2 Answers 2


Why do you think that it was not checked even though it was shown as checked? It sounds like a script is normally executed when the checkbox is checked, if so you could try the following code:


We were able to develop a workaround for this. We used the click() event instead of check() i.e. in the above code we just replaced EMlevelReason.Check() with EMlevelReason.Click() Don't know why but it works now :)

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