I am working on a Windows 8 Store app project (C#).

The application project files reside in a root folder, where each supported platform's specific files are placed inside its own folder:

  |-- Application.Windows8.csproj  
  |-- Application.OtherPlatform.csproj
  |-- Windows8
          |-- App.xaml
          |-- Other Win8 related files

My Windows8 project includes all files under the Windows8 folder, including App.xaml.

When attempting to use this structure, i am getting an error when building the project:

The Application main file must be named App.xaml

Is it possible to keep the App.xaml in a folder that is not the same one as the csproj file ?


I have opened a ticket on MS Connect, since the documentation never specified it is required for this file to be located in the root folder: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/776168/windows-8-store-app-project-doesnt-compile-if-app-xaml-is-placed-in-a-subfolder

  • I noticed another thing while developing windows store app that if you try to change the entry point of a windows store app project from App.xaml to a new xaml file let's say "MainApp.xaml" in Package.appxmanifest file even then it gives the same error "The Application main file must be named App.xaml". I changed the build action attribute in properties window for "MainApp.xaml" to "ApplicationDefiition" even then it doesn't help. App.xaml is THE HARD-CODED ENTRY POINT for windows store apps which can't be changed. Though there is hardly ever a need to do so but a good to know fact.
    – RBT
    Apr 11, 2015 at 8:08

1 Answer 1


It is not possible due to restriction on Windows Store Application.

From MSDN -> Application class

Note The Application main file must be named App.xaml.

There is no such restriction on normal WPF apps.

  • The file is named app.xaml. Where does it say it is required to reside in the project's root folder? Jan 9, 2013 at 18:10

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