
I am looking for a jQuery library to help with handling bidirectionality

Google has one in the closure library, but I feel it is a waste to include all of the library just for bidi input support (unless you recommend me otherwise) http://closure-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/closure/goog/demos/bidiinput.html

the google closure library is a seemingly endless collection for files, with many dependencies. I don't see how using it for 1 function is efficient



I found this from a drupal project. I am unable to make it work. Anyone know of it?


it seems that adding "dir=auto" to the input field handles it. works in chrome and ff. anyone can confirm this?

  • The file is only 4.8KB... You can take that down even more by minifying it to 1.6KB... Is this really too much for you to include on your page?
    – Lix
    Jan 12, 2013 at 13:15
  • what file did you check. the base.js is 50k Jan 12, 2013 at 13:19

1 Answer 1


dir=auto should fix it.

it is in the html5 standard, although safari doesn't work with it


works with chrome and firefox.

Thanks me :)

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