Im really new to laravel, and im sure im doing something wrong

I have 2 tables. Cities And users_metadata

My cities table look like this

id | City        |
1  | New York    |
1  | Los Angeles |

users metadata

user_id | firt name | last name | cities_id |
1       | Jonh      | Doe       |         2 |

So my problem is when i create a relation i get New York, becaus the city id is matched with the user id

City model

class City extends Eloquent 
    public static $table = "cities";

    public function profile()
        return static::has_many('Profile');

profile model

class Profile extends Eloquent 
    public static $timestamps = false;

    public static $table = "users_metadata";

    public static $key = "user_id";

    public function city()
        return static::has_one('City');


SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'profile_id' in 'where clause'

SQL: SELECT * FROM `cities` WHERE `profile_id` = ? LIMIT 1

Bindings: array (
  0 => 1,

If i dont pass the id to has one i get the following error

Okay i understand this.

So my questions is am i able to pass the foreign key cities_id somehow in my relation to match? Or im doing it all wrong? Can someone give me a basic example?

thank you folks

  • @w0rldart please give a descriptive reason for your edits when the reason is not obvious - and there's no need for the "Edit" header.
    – AD7six
    Jan 15, 2013 at 12:11

4 Answers 4


Try this:

City model

class City extends Eloquent 
    public static $table = "cities";
    public function profile()

Profile model

class Profile extends Eloquent 
    public static $timestamps = false;
    public static $table = "users_metadata";
    public static $key = "user_id";
    public function city()
        return static::belongs_to('City');

I ran into the same problem thinking I should use has_one, but I needed to use belongs_to. user1808639's probably didn't work because you still had a 'has_many' in the city model.


Try this:

class Profile extends Eloquent
    public function city()
        return $this->belongs_to('City'); // city_id in the table

Laravel has a way of detecting foreign keys automatically. So for your database schema... this models should work fine Try the following

user_id | firt name | last name |   city_id | //city not cities
1       | Jonh      | Doe       |         2 |


class Profile extends Eloquent 
    public static $timestamps = false;
    public static $table = "users_metadata";

    public function city()
        return $this->has_one('City');


class City extends Eloquent 
    public static $timestamps = false;

    public function profiles()
        return $this->has_many('Profile');
  • thank you for your reply, but its still the same, i get back the SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'profile_id' in 'where clause', and i still need to pass the id to the cities relation, and still matches the id with user_id instead of id with city_id SQL: SELECT * FROM cities WHERE profile_id = ? LIMIT 1
    – Levi
    Jan 15, 2013 at 11:17
  • Just a small typo fix, profiles() not profile() as it has_many. Post your code where you call the models
    – Alex
    Jan 15, 2013 at 11:23
  • I highly recommend you reading laravel.com/docs/database/eloquent, lines as public static $table = "cities"; is completely useless as Laravel does that automatically. Do you have any other users table? if not, set users_id in that table to id and post the controller where you call the models.... not only the models
    – Alex
    Jan 15, 2013 at 11:53

The table rows shouldn't contain whitespaces. So rename "firt name" | "last name" in "firstname" | "lastname". The SQL-error shows me that you're calling the model in the reverse way like City::find(1) in this case Laravel expects inside the "Cities" table the foreign key for the profiles that would be usually "profile_id".

I guess you're looking for something like this:

$user_id = 1; 
$user = Profile::find($user_id);

echo $user->firstname." ".$user->lastname." lives in ".$user->city->city;

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