I'm planning a program that can add URL strings to the 'hosts' file found in the system/drivers/etc directory in order to prevent the user from accessing websites they aren't permitted to.

I was just wondering how to refer to a specific system folder, like the one below, in a way that would avoid hard coding the English names for the folders.


I'm aware that you can use this to get the first bit (up to System32), but how would I create a universal reference to the 'etc' folder? I don't know if either 'driver' or 'etc' are present on a French or Spanish OS, say.


This question also extends to referencing the 'hosts' file in the 'etc' folder (how on earth does one ensure this is cross-linguistically compatible?). I'd really appreciate your help with this conundrum, I imagine I'm just not seeing the obvious...



  • This looks like a .NET call?
    – Myrtle
    Jan 17, 2013 at 13:39
  • 2
    The folder names of the operating system won't change with user language. It is safe to assume that it will always be located in /drivers/etc/.
    – Overv
    Jan 17, 2013 at 13:39

1 Answer 1


You don't need to be concerned about the directory structure inside the system folder, it's fixed. Just Path.Combine the system folder with driver and etc.

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