I want something like ["a", "b", "c"].all_possibilities(4) to produce: abc acb bac bca cab cba abca abcb abcc acba acbb acbc ... up to the last possible combination permutation using at most 4 characters from abc.

I tried permutations, but I don't think that's the case: %w[a b c].permutation.map &:join just permute, so length is no greater than three. Any help?

  • A naive implementation has N nested loops where N is your maximum length. Jan 17, 2013 at 9:02

1 Answer 1


What about ?

class Array
  def all_possibilities(range)
    return permutation(range).to_a if range < size

    (size..range).flat_map do |i|
      permutation(range - i).flat_map do |e|
        (self + e).permutation.to_a

This returns an array of arrays of strings.

%w(a c).all_possibilities(3)
# => [["a", "c", "a"], ["a", "a", "c"], ["c", "a", "a"],
#     ["c", "a", "a"], ["a", "a", "c"], ["a", "c", "a"],
#     ["a", "c", "c"], ["a", "c", "c"], ["c", "a", "c"],
#     ["c", "c", "a"], ["c", "a", "c"], ["c", "c", "a"],
#     ["a", "c"], ["c", "a"]] 

To print it, you could just do result.map(&:join).join(', ').

ps: there is duplicates you could just avoid using uniq. It happens because you can have twice the same letter in an array like %w(a c a).


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