Given the following answer to a question posted here previously, how would I change the fac function to take a constructor argument?

class BalanceActor[T <: Actor](val fac: () => T) extends Actor {
  val workers: Int = 10

  private lazy val actors = new Array[T](workers)

  override def start() = {
    for (i <- 0 to (workers - 1)) {
      actors(i) = fac() //use the factory method to instantiate a T
  • I'm curious about the down-vote on this question. Could whoever did it explain? Jan 18, 2013 at 20:09

1 Answer 1


For a String argument:

class BalanceActor[T <: Actor](val fac: String => T) extends Actor ...

For an A argument:

class BalanceActor[A, T <: Actor](val fac: A => T) extends Actor ...

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