my url.py

from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url 
import os.path
from crm.views import *

(r'^workDailyRecord/(?P<mode_name>\w+/)?$', workDailyRecord),
(r'^user/search/$', searchUser),
#   (r'^tset/$', mainPage),
#   (r'^ptpt/$', mainPage),
    (r'^tptp/$', TodayLogView.as_view(), name='archive_today'), #34 Line

Why? I recive that?? Why? Please help me!


1 Answer 1


You have to use url in this order of parameters:

url(r'^tptp/$', TodayLogView.as_view(), name='archive_today'),

Excerpt from the docs:

You can use the url() function, instead of a tuple, as an argument to patterns(). This is convenient if you want to specify a name without the optional extra arguments dictionary.

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